Monday, March 14, 2011

Continental Shoemakers

I slave every day of my life away at Continental Shoemakers for only $65 a month! Mother claims that I am fond of it! She has no idea! She is oblivious to the hatred I feel for that place! My methods of escape are writing poetry, movies, and reading. Mother found a copy of a D. H. Lawrence book and returned it! She calls it filth, but what does she know? She claims that my nights out to go to the movies frequently are worthless. Mother doesn't even believe I go to the movies, she must think I'm some kind of criminal! I need adventure in my life! I have never once been able to travel or be free. The movies are my escape. The images of far off lands, heightened criminals, and fantasy excite me! After I snake into bed after a late night at the cinema, she calls, "Rise and shine!" for me to rise every morning terribly early. She doesn't understand what I put up with for the sake of Laura. I sometimes imagine being like Father, and leaving as quickly as I can.

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