Monday, March 14, 2011

The Iron Grip of Mother

I cannot do one thing right according to that terrible woman. After long days of work at the warehouse I come home to her criticizing my every move! She says I eat incorrectly, I smoke too much, and am utterly selfish. Let me ask you this mother, if I were such a selfish person would I still be here to use my hard earned pay to support you and Laura! All she spouts about these days are gentlemen caller's, which we have yet to see. If I hear her dreaded story of when she was a young lady one more time, I fear that I might explode. I keep telling myself that this won't last much longer, but can I bear to leave Laura behind?

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Simsbumponablog said...

Nice job on Tom's blog.
I like your choices of topics for the posts and they are well-written.
I like your appropriate template.
One link is blocked! Gasp!
Good survey.